Happy birthday Social Security
Well recently Social Security turned 81 years old. Now I don’t need to tell you how Social Security is so much a scam do I? Don’t worry I will. “True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are what dictatorships are made of.” FDR Well how right President Roosevelt was, too bad he was too busy stealing the wealth of the citizens and and finding new ways to keep them in breadlines and unemployed. Not only was this theft going on with higher taxes but now through a new program, Social Security, the idea that one couldn’t take care of themselves so they need the government to do it for them. An entire generation was sold on the idea that all they needed to live on was a government check and some how that was supposed to be enough. My grandparents and many other older folk believed all they would need would be that little check, though it wasn’t enough for most of them. What a great way to keep control of the population though huh? Steal their money telling them they will get more than enough back, you now have a voter for life.
- Leo Sowers