The sellout has bought a new house!!

The Dailycaller is reporting that Bernie Sanders is the proud new owner of a lake front house in Vermont costing around $600k! I guess the question is, who paid for it? Did the people that donated to his failed campaign pay for it? Or did the DNC pay for it when he dropped out? One thing is certain, the man that is for the people just gave them another real cheap education. Sticking by your principles may not pay well but selling out always does.

I have several friends that, it would seem, worship the ground Bernie walks on, as if he has actually accomplished anything, he hasn’t. That said they seem mostly silent now as they were when Bernie sold all of them out to the DNC and endorsed the woman that is all he said he stood up against.

Bernie is showing us the truth behind socialist regimes, that those on top get rich while everyone else struggles at the bottom. This is the same garbage and lies that every socialist leader has fed the people before and they will continue to do so.

  • Leo Sowers

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