Trump losing the young vote.

Well another poll has come out this week, granted with a high margin of error, showing Trump behind Johnson by 14% and Stein by 7%. McClatchy/Marist poll Simply as a young person how could I not agree with this poll? Of the people I know that are committed to Trump most are y senior by over 10 years. When I find myself locking horns with a Trump supporter I often find myself toe to toe with a retired person these days.

We don’t see a way forward with Trump, the man brings little to the table aside from a loud bombastic brand of ‘politician’. The man that has claimed to be such an outsider seems now to be doing all he can to prove he is in fact an insider. This won’t matter to those that don’t want to spend five minutes reading up on the man it seems though.

As a millennial voter I’m to be the arrogant one, not my ‘leaders’. I read all the time how we are the worst generation blah blah blah… Same song and dance different generation. We may have our faults, OK we have plenty but one of them it seems at least isn’t wanting to vote for a man that we feel won’t represent us well at all.

  • Leo Sowers

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