Milo and the Liberty Message
Well as many I’m sure now are all aware, Milo Yiannopoulos is in hot water as it were for his comments on pedophiles. This will be pretty short on the issue at hand but I did want to address it as it is in the news right now. In short, Milo’s comments made a year ago were very off putting but, paraphrasing here ‘poorly worded’ as he puts it. The issue that was being discussed during the interview was over the age of consent and though this is not an issue that I will tackle at this time most people are aware that this is an issue that when discussed is done so generally with soft hands, something Milo doesn’t seem capable of doing. It should be noted that after being on the speaking circuit for a few years now and there are only about 3 clips that I would feel comfortable showing my parents from his speeches based simply on his language and not even the content goes to show I feel how brash Milo can be. I do believe that Milo is truly sorry for the way he spoke and that he truly does not mean to advocate for illegal acts. That said, Milo spoke very poorly but in the long run this will not hurt him but actually increase his presence. He has for years ran on the the “I can say whatever I want!!” while yes the 1st amendment does protect this right one has to use it wisely. Milo has showed us he doesn’t. And to try and tie this into what I wanted to write about first, Milo is a great representation of how NOT to spread the message of liberty.
The original intent of this writing was to discuss a bit at how to better win converts and not just arguments, how we can better spread the message of liberty. To also try and keep with Milo I will try to relate how we can learn from Milo’s mistakes, there are many so I will be brief. When Milo is talking people on the ‘other’ side of the political spectrum Milo is always on the attack. It should be noted that he is not trying to win converts but many people do feel that they are spreading the message effectively by being ‘right and rude’, this simply isn’t the case. A message delivered with soft hands as it were would be better received by someone on the other side that at least has an open mind. Being right and having facts is important but attacking someone will not win a convert but just an argument. By finding common ground and then dialing your message to better align with theirs you will find better success. Well this is still a developing thread on this issue and I hope to be able to continue writing on it. Still no sign off slogan though :/ Take care until next week folks.