Banned News Organizations and how to Work on our Message

White House Press Secretary Spicer banned several news organizations from an impromptu briefing Friday. The news outlets banned are ones not seen as a being ‘nice’ or what have you to the current administration, CNN being on of them. This is one of those things we need to be very mindful of and I feel does raise many red flags. Though this action is not one that violates the constitution we need to be on notice that attacks on the press likes this are ones that should not be taken lightly. By barring certain members of the press because the administration doesn’t like them takes us either more down a path of liberty or a path of tyranny. Actions like these are not something we want to be seeing from the administrations in power as they send very troubling messages on how the administration views those that have a differing opinion. Before anyone says “but the media is bias!!!” Yeah I know… we get it… but all media is bias, so is this page BTW.

One more hit on the administration though before we get to working on our message. It was announced recently by the administration that they will enforce federal laws pertaining to marijuana in states that have voted to legalize it. This event has been pretty meme heavy on pages like “Liberty Memes” on facebook. In short, its strange for the republicans to advocate for states rights all the time and then want to send federal enforcement into states that have already voted to legalize the possession of a plant. Didn’t the administration also just recently strike the executive order for trans gender bathrooms in federally funded schools because they wanted to leave it up to the states? The answer is yes, perhaps they just meant some state’s rights are ok.

When it comes to working on the message we as liberty minded folks need a lot of work. We all know this, being right all the times just doesn’t seem to work 😉 One way to better align with others is to find similar ground. What do I mean by this?… Well, the liberty movement has far more in common with progressives than we want to admit but it’s true. In the end on many issues we want the same thing, it’s just our approach is very different. Progressives want people to have access to health care, as do those that champion liberty but our approaches to these goals are very different. Understanding this and remembering it will keep us focused on the ‘goal’ for this issue, being used as an example, of increasing access to health care. How do progressives want to do it? They want to tax the populace and force them to pay for it. Liberty minded folks, on the other hand, they want to knock down barriers in the market place that will allow health care providers and insurance companies to compete more effectively. Progressives often complain about business being in bed with the government, guess what?! Libertarians don’t like it either! Brining this full circle and brining this to a wrap, we are right in the arena of ideas but being able to message better is imperative! By finding common ground and ways to relate to others in our common goals, access to health care being one, is a great way to get others to realize that there are other approaches to the same goal that actually increase liberty, not take it away.

Thank you reading and please don’t forget to like and share!

Keep that coffee warm! (of still working on the sign off tag)


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