Why can’t the Libertarian Party have nice things?

We all know this fight to further the ideas of liberty is a tough one. I knew this years ago, sorry to those that don’t know this fact, but it is going to be a tough fight. We have been fighting and losing this battle one inch at a time for over the last 100 years, thats just the fact of it. This doesn’t stop us from fighting though, it hasn’t then and won’t now. Can these constant battles we seem to lose time and time again wear on us? You bet, but this will not alter my principles nor will it lessing my resolve to fight for liberty.

After that bit of truth I have some more. The Libertarian Party just can’t have anything nice. The party SHOULD be the one leading the fight for liberty in this nation. They should be the party people look to when they want to join a movement that holds liberty as an important philosophy. Now I will not say that they don’t hold liberty as an important philosophy, I believe that the party platform does just that. The issue I have with the party right now is how they have time and time again, very recently too, alienated many of the people in the party and or are turning many away before they even give the party a chance.

Recently the party has been having a very difficult time with messaging and it doesn’t seem to be getting ant better. A couple months back I wrote about how the party made it a point to want to alienate the pro-life members of the party by making the slogan for the national convention “pro-choice everything”. Now the party’s position on abortion has been pro-choice for some time but one has to realize that when you have more than 25% of your party members that consider themselves pro-life, it sends a message to them that they just don’t matter to the party. Last month during the week of Easter the party’s Facebook page made an appeal to a certain religious group. Was it the Jewish community? The Christian community? The Catholic community? No, no and no. The party made a post appealing to those that worship Satan…. Yes Satan. I guess appealing to a small margin while finding a way to upset many other’s is in the play book of how to attract new members. I must have missed that chapter.

Those two incidents didn’t prompt this post though another one did. Today, (10MAY2017) Arvin Vohra, a vice chair for the libertarian party, posted the following on his Facebook page:

A common excuse to join the military, despite disagreeing with every single thing that it does: the military pays for college.

Translation: I agreed to kill innocent people because I wanted the money.

That type of decision making is below the lowest threshold of any kind of morality that I know of.

Financial benefits do not justify killing strangers and destroying countries.

Before you join the military, the DEA, or other organizations that use violence, first decide if you actually agree with their mission. If you do not, “I wanted the money” is not a moral excuse at all.


I don’t even know where to start with this. I will try and be quick about it though. In the thread that followed, I will not dignify him with a link to his page, Arvin called all those military personnel that support the front line troop “accessories to murder”. So Arvin feels that those that serve this country, as I understand it, are either murders, accessories to murder or people that lack morals. None of which is true, it should be noted. I’m truly bothered that a vice chair of the party feels this way about service members and many people in the same party he is in. I wonder how many veterans he has actually talked to…. I fear he truly feels this way about me, an ARMY vet that served six years.

I feel that Arvin Vohra needs to go. He is NOT growing the party by doing this. Imagine if you will a veteran looking for a political party to join that supports liberty and this is the first thing they see from the Libertarian Party. This is how you damage a movement and make that fight we talked about earlier that much harder. We have enough things to worry about Arvin down here on the ground level, in the trenches if you will, we shouldn’t need to worry about a vice chair insulting all service members. We will do this without you if we have to. I will gladly continue this fight with or without you Arvin, we all will.

As always

Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to like and share!

Keep that coffee warm for us.


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