Jury Nullification plus North Korea and the Untrustworthy Media

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here.

The media has begun the spin machine already on North Korea and we need to be paying attention. This media blitz starting this week has seen a change in the narrative. Just a few weeks ago we needed to just keep and eye on North Korea and the west could just kinda sit back and watch. Now, this week we need to not only fear North Korea but now the media is pushing the narrative that we need to now attack the country, commit an act of war. That the only way forward is to attack North Korea and change the regime in the nation. It seems pressuring China to act is nearly off the table and that another unilateral attack on a sovereign nation seems to be the only solution offered by the media and government on how we should act. These are the same media outlets that pushed the narrative that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that we needed to invade. The same outlets that have pushed for military strikes in Libya and Syria are now pushing the same narrative for North Korea. War sells news papers and ad space like nothing else. This is a conflict that is literally none of our business, as if any of the previously mentioned ones were. This is not our fight and we should not be stirring the hornet’s nest. There is no reason to provoke and mad man with nuclear weapons. And we have to believe that North Korea has nukes because all the same spy agencies that confirmed the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq tell us that North Korea has the bomb. Noticing the switch to the pro war narrative in the media has us worried here at Coffee Break Liberty, as this is the same move they made before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. We know darn well that the media lies to us, the public, this is not the time to start believing them now. We need to question what the media is telling us right now.

Switching gears now, a friend of one of the authors here at Coffee Break Liberty received a letter in the mail telling them to show up for jury duty. The author took it upon themselves to educate their friend on what is known as “jury nullification”. This author was not only able to quickly teach their friend about this process but was also able to show them how this is a great tool that juries can use in court cases when asked for rulings. So what is jury nullification? Well if you are unaware it is a tool that juries can use to find a defendant not guilty if the jury believes the law that was violated is an unjust law and or unconstitutional. The way this was explained to the author’s friend was that if she were on a jury for a case involving a drug charge for example and she felt that the law was unjust or unconstitutional she could choose jury nullification as a way to find the defendant not guilty no matter what the evidence said. A lot of people get upset when they are asked to show up for jury duty and many don’t even answer the call. The issue with this is that sitting on a jury is one of the most effective ways that we as citizens can have an affect on unconstitutional laws. We as a member of a jury have the power to keep people OUT of jail and prison when the law that was violated is an unjust one. As those at the 10th amendment center say, “If the law is unconstitutional it is no law at all.” It is our duty as US citizens to answer the call when called upon to serve on a jury and as noted before it is one of the most effective ways to make real change. Be the change you claim to be right? I’m sure that many if not all readers of this blog can think of a law they feel is unjust, serving on a jury gives that person the power to actually declare it so in court and make a change in someone’s life. If the author’s friend will show up and actually seek to educate her fellow jurors or not on the process has yet to be seen, but one more person is now aware of a way to make a huge change in someone’s life. It is little battles like these where the message and seeds of liberty are planted and the movement grows just that much stronger…. one person at a time! This is a difficult fight we are in for liberty, but it is one we must take part it, it is a fight we must win.

This is gonna wrap it up here, glad to be back in Arizona and am enjoying the HEAT!!! Hope you enjoyed yourself and see you next time.

Thank you reading and please don’t forget to like and share!

Keep that coffee warm for us.


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