Happy Birthday Coffee Break Liberty
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here.
The end of August is here which means that Coffee Break Liberty is now one year old!! We have been posting here and brining you our thoughts on issues for 12 months! This little blog started with one reader, myself, and from that we have grown into over 100 people following the blog and Facebook page. It isn’t much but it is growth! There is also growth outside of just people I know which was a huge goal of mine, I didn’t want this to just be a conversation between my friends and I. In this time there have been interviews, news posts, posts on libertarian philosophy, economics and book reviews to name a few. The guest writer we have had in the past was a huge boost to the readership here and there are plans to do more of that in the future!
Speaking of the future, this journey is far from over! A few things the future holds will be more outreach on social media, this will help not only grow the audience but spread the message of liberty, which is the most important goal. A podcast, which has already had a few test runs, will be in the future too, though there is no time table set on this yet. More book reviews and interviews will also be in the future as these have seen large jumps and continued growth in readership. Merchandise sales and give aways are also in the works along with work with local AZ non-profits. I hope that this non-profit work will turn into a liberty education center for children, more on that in the future though too.
I will admit that the amount of readers and followers is a bit lower than where and what I had expected and wanted but that, though it doesn’t sit well with me, let’s me know that changes for the better can and need to be made. I intend to do this for you all from here on out and for the message of liberty. This journey here at CBL is just getting started and has much more to come. Liberty is a message of love and I want to let as many people as I can know this. Here is to many more years and an ever growing audience.
As always, keep that coffee warm for us
With Love
Leo Sowers