An Executive Order on Health Care

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Earlier this week President Trump signed an executive order on health care. With this signature all the parts have begun moving to allow health insurance providers to sell policies across state lines and to also give more flexibility to small businesses when purchasing health insurance plans. The knocking down of these regulations will lower the cost of health insurance while also allowing for insurance firms to offer better policies at lower rates. This executive order are good things for health insurance prices, coverage, availability and the free market in general.

There is an issue though that we here at CBL find with the actions taken by the president. The fact that it was an executive order doesn’t sit well with many in the liberty movement and understandably so. When the executive is the only one right now making changes in the government that is an issue. It is more and more power essentially being pulled toward the white house and from the congress, the representatives of the people. There is a caveat though when it comes to this executive order. When compared to other executive orders in the last 10 years we see that this one, if ever so slightly, reduces the size of the government’s boot on the neck of the free market. Most Executive orders that are signed increase regulation and the size of government. This executive order did the opposite of that. It is OK to have mixed feelings about this, that is very understandable. What we should want is legislation like this actually put through congress next time and not just the executive. We can be pleased with the result of this executive order for the impact it will have on the health insurance market and yet still view it with caution as the means to an end aren’t always justified.

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Keep that coffee warm for us.


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