Tax Plans and Bloated Budgets
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here.
Since the last blog post we have seen a new tax proposal propped up by the GOP along with a new budget plan too. We are going to try and discuss both separately with some concluding thoughts towards the end.
First the tax plan, which is touted by the President as the largest tax cut in history, though it isn’t. That said at first glance the tax plan does look like a significant adjustment for many Americans with their current tax rate. Upon further investigation though we see that not everyone’s taxes will decrease, some will actually see an increase while the effective tax rate largely remains unchanged. The proposal would want us to believe that the tax code will be simplified and that with only three tax brackets being put into place the income tax for people will drop. This may turnout to be entirely true when it comes to the income tax rate but to try and make the cuts not as drastic the plan also closes some of the deductions that many use to try and lower their tax bill to the government at the end of the year. This in turn will increase the effective tax rate for some. With all that said though it was almost instant that the democratic party leadership had their canned speeches ready. Some how they knew, without reading the tax plan mind you, that this plan was only designed to benefit the rich and hurt the middle class. The same song and dance from those that presume most people don’t have more than two brain cells firing off at the same time. Of course it benefits the rich more, they pay the most taxes. When the top 1% pay more than the lower 90% in taxes, yeah it only makes sense theat the rich will see the largest benefit, it’s called arithmetic. Thank you again democratic leadership for speaking down to the American public and beveling that they can’t understand simple concepts in math. While the plan looks good at first glance it needs a lot of work, well preferably very little but more on that in a bit.
Secondly the budget will be discussed. No other way to say this but the purposed budget by the GOP is the LARGEST budget ever purposed, coming in at over $4 trillion. These so called fiscal conservatives in the GOP have purposed the most expensive budget ever, it was worth repeating. The GOP, again, has proven, for the most part anyways, to be just like those they claim to detest when it comes to spending. This reckless spending is not at all a good idea or a plan for success yet we see it from both political parties, further indication they are pretty much the same thing, at the expense of the tax payer and future generations. We currently have a $20 trillion deficit and over $110 trillion in unfunded liabilities, those are things the government have promised to pay for in the future but lack the capital to do so. So what do the republicans do? They decide to add to both. Thanks.
It should be noted that not all the republican senators voted for this massive budget. Sen. Rand Paul stood his ground as he often does even against his own party and voted against their purposed budget plan. Sen. Paul was the only republican to vote ‘no’ on this budget. Once more he even tried to add an amendment to the budget that would cut $43 billion from it, which only got his vote along with four other senators. We need more people like Sen. Rand Paul in government at all levels, this much is clear. Is the man perfect? No, but when you look at his voting record, being on the side of liberty nearly 100% of the time is a man I want to throw my weight behind.
Finishing off though with taxation one more time. Leave it to the authoritarians in the democratic party to once again show us how they truly feel about violence against their fellow man. They are clearly for it. Taxation is theft, there it was said again. It is the threat of violence used against you for money. Just because the government is doing this doesn’t at all make it right. I have a right to my self and my property as long as I don’t violate the rights of others. In the liberty movement we often pride our selves on understanding that we don’t hurt people or want to take their stuff. Taxation violates both of those mantras right away. If someone tells us that taxation is the price we pay for a civilized society what they are truly saying is that can’t see a society without violence and threats of violence working. Taxation is an unprovoked act of violence against you simply because the government says they are entitled to it…. They aren’t
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