Liberty Candidates
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here.
It’s been nearly a full year since President Trump was elected to The Oval Office which means we are one year away form the midterms, a time when we in the liberty movement need to make moves. Sadly most people in this nation only pay attention to the political landscape in the US for a few months every four years. Those of us in the liberty movement need to take advantage of this time now, as we always should. It is in the midterm elections that we can make larger strides towards liberty than many might believe. During this next year we not only need to focus on the midterms but also we need to focus on the primaries, the often overlooked portion of the election process. In the primaries we see candidates for the parties competing against each other to get the nod from their party to be the candidate to run against the other party’s candidates. This is when we truly need to pay attention and push those liberty minded candidates and do our best to push them forward. It is candidates like Austin Petersen running for the Republican parties candidate slot in Missouri that we need to get behind. It are the liberty minded candidates that we need to get behind. Another candidate that comes to mind and has been getting a lot of press is Larry Sharpe, running for Governor in NY as a Libertarian.
These two gentlemen are not the only ones pushing the liberty message in the primaries and for these elections coming up next year. It is our responsibility to seek them out and arm them with the tools they need to succeed. These movements start at the ground floor, knocking on doors and getting signatures. We can’t let any opportunity pass us by, we need to be trying to gain every inch of liberty we can back. During the next few months we should ALL be looking for the liberty minded candidates and help them in anyway we can. It’s how this message becomes more than a rumble in the political dialogue and more of a roar!
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Keep that coffee warm for us.