400K Job Loss in California?! With a Little Year end Wrap up

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.

Many Californians pride themselves on the recent passage of the $15/hour minimum wage increase. The question now is how many of those that were in favor of the increase will now find themselves jobless when the increase is fully implemented. What many economists and those that study economics have been saying and well know, is that with minimum wage increases we see a rise in unemployment. This spike in unemployment is generally seen in the least educated and minorities among us, those that we are told need the rise in the minimum wage the most. A new study from the Employment Policies Institute shows us what most economists could have told you already, minimum wage increases kill jobs. The new study, which can be viewed here, shows us that California stands to lose 400k jobs in the future due to minimum wage increases. A large portion of those jobs will be in the food service industry.

This should come as no surprise to many but sadly it will be just that, a surprise. This new policy in California will see many people searching for jobs that are no longer there and others being let go as it will now be to expensive to keep those workers on. These people that the minimum wage increase was supposed to help will hurt them the most. This isn’t just an opinion but is proven time and time again. What we see now is Californians looking this dead in the face and many will suffer for it. At least some law makers will get to say they helped right? How many more times will this need to be confirmed for everyone to understand it…. Will they ever?

That wraps up this post for this week and it will be the last one this year! WOW!! 2017!! What a year!! Nearly one whole year of President Trump and the insane media outrage of that and truly about our first full year here trying to post at least twice a month though generally once a week. 2018 has a lot to offer and we here at Coffee Break Liberty will be here every step of the way. There are some planned changes coming up but more on that in the future. We hoped you enjoyed your time here this year and 2017 in general, so for one last time this year….. Keep that coffee warm for us.


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