Is the Federal Government Your Friend?

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.

This is the first of a few…many perhaps, posts about the recent events in Florida, the school shooting in Parkland. We have avoided writing about it with the expectation that the rhetoric would have died down by now and hopefully a post here would reach those of more level thinking and a bit more emotionally detached. What has happened this time though seems different, the gun debate isn’t going anywhere it seems for a bit. For some reason it is this time that the conversation has stayed in the national spot light for some time. There are two conservation starters or points if you will that we here want to bring up and this being the first one. Is the federal government who we really want to now regulate the safety at our schools? Is the federal government your friend?

After the events in Parkland we saw a large cry to the government from the students, people and many other’s to do something about this. Those people that wanted change though didn’t look to local governments, the school board or even state level governments, they cried for the federal government to solve a problem that happened in their back yard. Those that wanted change were asking the federal government to solve one of the most personal and local issues a community can have. What was even stranger in the Parkland situation is that a pass was given by many in the local community, or at least the loudest in the local community, for the local government and their failure to act. The sheriff went even further to pass any responsibility for action on to the federal government and wanted the federal government to essentially do what he felt he was not responsible for, the people in his community. This immediate cry to the federal government to take care of an issue in one’s back yard is startling to say the least. How is the the federal government the first thing people will turn to? Why have these in the local community not turned to their local governments for answers first? And this is not even to suggest that it is a government issue but at least it makes sense for one to turn to those on the ground for “help” not some people over 1000 miles away. Not only should those in Parkland not be looking to the federal government for change because they are so far away and shouldn’t be messing in your back yard but we as a people should take lessons form the past.

The federal government is NOT your friend. How quickly people forget or chose to ignore that when the federal government acts, especially quickly with little thought about their actions, our rights take a hit, sometimes nearly ended. When the federal government reacted to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 our liberties were just thrown by the wayside for the illusion of security. Our 4th amendment rights were disregarded and completely ignored in the quick reaction to 9/11 with the passing of the Patriot Act. When quick emotional reactions and actions are taken with little to no thought given reason we see our rights being stripped away from us. When we ask the government to act one of two things always happens, usually both though, government grows larger and rights are taken away. When there is a problem with society the last entity we should want to try and correct it would be the government. The government, not just the federal government, is not your friend. We can’t forget these transgressions against our liberties in the past when we ask the government to act especially against our 2nd amendment.

Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to like and share! Also don’t forget to get a Coffee Break Liberty mug from our store!

Keep that coffee warm for us.


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