The “New” Progressive

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.

The title of “progressive” has been around for about 100 or so years now, at least in the united states. When the term was first used it fell upon people that wanted the government to have more control basically of certain functions in the private business sector. The next step for the progressives, after their foothold was made in the business sector, was to then enter the private citizen’s life with the likes of certain social programs. It has been on these to fronts that progressives have been making moves for the last several decades. Leave it to them to create programs where the family unit is actually encouraged to be torn apart for money, the welfare system for young families. Leave it to the progressives to conclude that the best way to battle racism is with more, and now federal encouraged, racism, affirmative action. Leave it to progressives to imprison hundreds of thousands of American’s just because they are of a certain decent, Japanese internment camps. With all that said should it be any surprise then that the progressives of today are now trying to one up the progressives of the past?

These “new” progressives, for lack of a better label, are on a new level for the political spectrum in the United States. We now see these progressives advocating for the government to abolish, yet again, the rights of the people. The progressives of today want speech to be limited for starters. They are now advocating for violence against those that say things they don’t like. They want the government to restrict speech and eliminate “hate speech” via government means. The progressives want to make certain speech illegal. What we see from progressives these days is them asking the government to place restrictions on our rights. The freedom to express yourself is one thing we don’t want the government to be restricting at ALL. Should those progressives also be reminded that when the government does crack down on speech it is usually the left that finds themselves in the cross hairs of Uncle Sam? It has been those speaking against the wars generally that have found themselves harassed by the government, often thought of as a progressive idea. In several European nations now you can and will be arrested for certain things posted on Facebook and Twitter… We now live in a time where speech is deemed so harmful that people are being taken from the homes and thrown in cages over it. This may not be what all progressives claim to want but this is where it leads to.

Keeping that in mind that is just one of the rights that the progressives of today are advocating for restricting. The other being one that we have discussed in the last two posts here at Coffee Break Liberty, the right to bear arms, the human right to defend yourself. Seeing the progressives in droves march against the right to arm themselves against tyranny should be a wake up call for those not only in the liberty movement but those that value what freedoms we have left. The government is always violating our rights, why is it now that large amounts of people are now advocating for the government to do more of the same? And no it’s not because of an incident in Parkland FL, it’s part of their plan. They have been working on this for over 100 years and we have been losing every step of the way. When or where does it stop? Does it stop?

Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to like and share! Also don’t forget to get a Coffee Break Liberty mug from our store!

Keep that coffee warm for us.


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