The scam that is #RedForEd
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.
Recently in AZ there has been a movement amongst public educators to walk out of schools claiming that they are under funded and under paid when compared to the national average. The funds spent per pupil in a public AZ school is about $3500 less than the national average and well we all know that pay isn’t that great for teachers. So the demands of the walk out were several but of course the main one that got the teachers back to work was a 20% pay raise. Of course though we were told it wasn’t about money. Yet when the pay was increased everyone was so happy to go back to “work”. Not to worry though this isn’t just a rail against teachers wanting more pay, we have more to bring up. What was troubling though is that for the months leading up to this walk out the #redfored movement was telling people it wasn’t about money, heck lots of the protest signs were even promoting that opinion. No hypocrisy there though. In addition the unions of course supported this movement and just some rough math, if the unions adjust their dues 20% they will increase there revenue to $23 million a year, just in dues. So yeah no interest there we’re sure.
Coffee Break Liberty just moved to McAllen, TX but just two weeks ago we were stationed in Oro Valley, AZ so some of this #redfored garbage does hit a little home for us as we saw much of what was going on right in our faces. Much like how AZ was ranked overall like 48th in the nation for the overall quality of the public school system in the state. Yet when compared to the charter schools in Oro Valley and the Tucson area it was short of jaw dropping. The charter high school just two blocks from where our home base was in Oro valley was ranked 6th overall in the nation and the 3rd best STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) school in the nation last year. This year, 6 of the top ten high schools in the nation came from charter schools in the Tucson area, Oro Valley is part of that area. Keep in mind that on average the charter school system in the area, BASIS, spends $1100 less than the state average per pupil and $4600 less than the national average. This isn’t a money issue but an issue with the system, it is painfully obvious.
We have also seen some disgusting behavior from a small fringe of teachers out there in support of #redfored. Just last week a Tucson band teacher took to Facebook post things wanting the kids of parents that didn’t support #redfored to leave their homes because their parents were not only evil but dumb and would urinate on themselves…. Yup a public school teachers said this. Just earlier this week video was leaked of another teacher at a board meeting being proud of how she is changing the culture of her students. Because that is what they should be focused on. Perhaps if she focused on what she was getting pair for the state wouldn’t rank 48th. Finally on Thursday Wickenburg Unified School District passed a resolution supporting the #redfored movement, a violation of the laws the government wrote for itself.
It is time to rethink how we educate these kids. Somehow these large government buildings we send our kids to for 8 hours a day have been viewed as a place of education and not indoctrination. Calling what goes on in the schools today education is simply wrong, it is nothing short of indoctrination. If the #redfored movement didn’t show is this surly pointing to the government approved opinions and walkouts during the March for Life campaigns earlier this year should have. Government schools are not serving the purpose they are advertised to fulfill but rather they are curbing the growth of children and only teaching to the test these days. A revolution in thought about how and what the government “teaches” our kids needs to start and it can’t end until true change has occurred. The future does literally depend on it.
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