Bottom Unity is a Scam

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.

A warning for those that aren’t in the Libertarian Party, this post is all inside baseball. That said we hope you will still find enjoyment out of it.

If you are in the LP and have been paying attention you know that there has been an insurgence in the party of communists and socialists, so much so that there is now an actual caucus of them. This past week or so there has been a lot of heating up and throwing of bombs if you will between the left and right in the libertarian party. The two main caucuses going at it are the Libertarian Socialists Caucus of the Libertarian Party and the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus. We have interviewed the found of the LPMC on here before way back when, should make it clear what side we fall on in this “debate”, that interview can be found here. We won’t recap the LPMC’s stance but we will go over some of the points that the LSCLP conjures up. We will also cover recent events that took place in the party this week regarding this spat among other things.

The LSCLP prides itself on being a safe haven for socialists and communists alike in the LP. They are proud that they have found a place where they can spew the poison that is the doctrine of communism and socialism while attaching the libertarian label to it. This is all part of a plan set forth by socialists years ago, but more on that later. They have clearly stated plenty of times that they are in favor of workers seizing the means of production and property, rent is theft, abolishing private property rights and that those rights come second to them and their goals. They will try to cover this up as saying they feel this way about property rights when it comes to business owners being absent and not expending capital upon their business, whatever metric that is supposed to be. Does this mean that if a business owner is expending profits upon their firm their property is subject to confiscation by the socialists and communists in the LSCLP? Or better yet, the answer to that question is of no consequence as it is the fact they believe anyone’s property is subject to being taken from them is the issue, regardless of the metric they decide to set up to try and justify their evil. The rent is theft is just insanity but then again they use it a means to try and justify their confiscation of property. Pretty much how they got to where they are here is that they believe that via property taxes we the people are only renting land from the state and that can and should be stopped by ending the state. If they were to just stop with the ending of property taxes and or the state to achieve the means of ending property taxes we would be on board, but when they then make the confiscation of property jump, not only have you lost us but you have attacked our human rights.

The main sticking point with the LSCLP is their attack on property rights. We will say it here, property rights are human rights. You have a right to self ownership and the fruits of your labor unless signed away under contract. That contract part is important as it is how many of us earn money, by producing for other people unless you own a small business. Digression finished though, without the human right which supersede government law and force or private ownership and thus property ownership we are only left subject to become slaves of others or the state. Doesn’t that sound like socialism and communism every time it has been implemented?

As we mentioned earlier there were some developments this week surrounding this issue. A referendum was voted on by the LNC on property rights and pretty much redundant. It is already in the party platform that the LP supports and respects property rights. Some felt it necessary while others didn’t many saw it as a distraction. Here at CBL we feel into the last group there. Be that as it may the referendum should have passed with flying colors right? Of course it didn’t!! IT FAILED!! The LNC just had a vote on a referendum, though redundant as it was, and failed to pass it! That is a huge issue! It seems the fight for liberty even within the Libertarian Party is an on going one. This is exactly what we were talking about earlier, this has been the plan of socialists for years! In an interview in 2010 after the midterms everyone’s favorite fat socialist Michael Moore laid out the plan of socialists. He said right then that they were infiltrating ALL parties and didn’t care which party their plans came to fruition through. They viewed all parties as a possible vehicle for their agenda. To be honest it’s not a bad plan, it is one we should adopt here in the liberty movement. When we say the liberty movement is larger than just the LP we mean it, because it is that same strategy we have been losing to for over 100 years. We need to rethink how we are going to win this struggle for liberty, for our rights, our humanity. The socialists and communists are people we will not unit with, they mean us actual harm and want to steal from us. When they preach about being unified it is a joke. They want to be unified and funded off of our stolen property and at our expense. This cannot and will not be allowed.

Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to like and share! Also, don’t forget to get a Coffee Break Liberty mug from our store! Also on a different note we celebrated our two year anniversary this week!! Go us!!

Keep that coffee warm for us.


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