My Justification
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.
This blog post is taking a very different turn for a far more personal subject. This will deal with a question that I have received a lot recently. The question I have been asked recently has been, “How can you be against taxation/ the war, and still hold the job that you do? You are paid with tax dollars!” (paraphrasing) For me it is a very simple question to answer. Those asking the question are thinking in binary, 1’s and 0’s, I see it as a game of 4D chess.
For those that don’t know I work for a government contractor, and that is all I will say about that.
Now to answer the question once and for all. First I want to point out that regardless if I were holding this position or not with my company it would be filled by someone and the tax dollars would still be stolen from the American public if I were here or not. This isn’t a justification but more the reality of the situation. The justification is how I spend my leisure time and what I spend my earned funds on. Additionally how my ensuring that this position is filled impacts the fiat system we are all slaves to.
I spend much of my time advocating for positions and candidates that would eliminate my job and end the “need” for it by ending the wars overseas, I donate funds to candidates that support these messages and policies too. I use the free time provided to me, which is a lot as I only work 6 months a year, advocating for the end of the war and taxation. Some the money that is stolen from tax payers that is used to pay my salary I turn around to undermine the government’s efforts to keep people reliant on it by donating to foundations that provide for those less fortunate. Turning the government’s power against itself is one of my many justifications but my final one is where we start playing 4D chess. By having this the government as to either steal or print more fiat currency. This is my personal contribution chipping away at the fiat system we are held captive to. The fiat system will fail and if I can simply help it along by working for a gov contractor then so be it. These are my copper mines and I will blow them to hell before I let bandits looters and thieves get their hands on them.
Rant over for now, hope these puts the question to bed, if not fine. I hope that this leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind of how I justify working the job that I do.
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Keep that coffee warm for us.
Leo Sowers