A New Front Against Charter Schools

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.

Recently there has been an increase in the attacks against charter schools. These attacks are spearheaded by progressives, teachers unions and one of our favorite people, Sen. Bernie Sanders. The same Sanders that once said breadlines were a good thing. Now we have gone over a bit of the charter school system in Oro Valley Arizona so we will link to that post here. Many of the points that will be made now were made then too but we also want to point out the disgusting actions by the progressives right now and how they don’t clearly care about kids and even see the issue at hand.

When we wrote about a similar issue before we pointed out how the charter school in Oro Valley spends less money per pupil than the public school by the tune of about $1100 a year. What does a savings of $1100 a year per kid get ya? It gets us the 6th highest ranked school in the nation and the 3rd best STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in the nation. All this while the AZ public school system is ranked at 48 outta 50 for the nation. *slow clap

Additionally last time we wrote about all this it was mostly about the teachers unions in AZ striking for more money saying it wasn’t about them and there pay but rather for the kids. The similarity this time? In California and DC right now the teachers unions are trying to get legislation pushed through that will harm charter schools by taking more and more of their limited resources away from them. The bills in California will not only cap the number of charter schools in school districts but will also give the district more power to deny students and parents wanting to attend a charter school. Now the bills in California did pass the state house but were stopped in the state senate.

Now for the part that just really grinds our gears. Bernie Sanders, progressives and the teachers unions will all tell you the same lie, that charter schools just suck up valuable resources. Here is the truth, it is the public school system which now only teaches to the test, not actually educate kids, that protects bad teachers and that mandate children be sent to a failing system that suck up resources. Kids are now being sent to essentially little indoctrination camps that don’t prepare them for anything, yeah not even college, for years with hardly anything to show for it. To make it worse you have teachers now that brag about how they are not even teaching the mandated curriculum but just spewing whatever views it is they have out in the class room. It is an insult to those of us that do care at least a bit about the education of children that the state and teachers unions claim to but have proven for decades that they are just failing at the task. It is time for teachers unions to go the way of the dinosaur, extinct. It is time for the state to get their hands outta trying to teach our children in prison like settings. A revolution of thought is required here but Bernie Sanders, the state, progressives and unions wanna continue the same teaching method that was implemented over 400 years ago. Change is coming, and it is literally for the future of our children.

Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to like and share!

Keep that coffee warm for us.


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