This is a Liberty Movement

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here.

This is the time when the momentum of the liberty movement cannot be stopped. The flames that have ignited this fire must now be stocked. It is in this hour, our time that we need to be faster, stronger and smarter than we have ever been before. This is a liberty movement and it is our job to ensure it’s survival. The force behind this movement and the speed at which it moves needs to be second to none. We need to become such a force in the political realm that people in every household know who we are and what we are about. We do NOT achieve these goals though by committing violence against our neighbor but rather through acts of love. We do NOT achieve these goals through yelling, screaming and name calling but rather education and discussion.

One of the things harming our momentum at this current time is that we don’t have a political party we can call home at this time. This of course is matter of opinion as some I’m sure would argue with valid points that a political party would harm the movement’s momentum too. That said it is this author’s opinion that a political party is eventually needed, sooner rather than later, to further establish our foothold in this process. We seem to be currently split, mostly into two parties, that of the Republican Party and that of the Libertarian Party, for those that have decided to associate with a party. Those in the GOP look to the Freedom Caucus to hold the liberty banner for them there. While the rest of us, myself included, look to the Libertarian Party to be a better vehicle to advance the liberty movement as the party’s platform is truly based in liberty minded principles. This though is where the dream seems to end right now.

The Libertarian Party’s national level leadership, and some at many state levels too, is and are a complete joke right now. As reported earlier this year we saw the vice chair of the party call all military service members and veterans murders, for what it’s worth after his apology not much has been heard from that gentleman of any importance. In a failed attempt to out do the vice chair though the national chairman began attacking veterans and prominent libertarian voices and institutions twitter. To further double down he then went on to claim that the Libertarian Party wasn’t looking to bring in the audiences of those voices, because telling 80k people, that view liberty as a primary value, you want nothing to do with them is a great way to grow the party. To further this divide another member of the national committee this week attacked those in the liberty movement and even those in her own party. Her claims were that the grievances from those outside and even inside the party are only being based in emotion and knee jerk reactions. Why stop there though. Some of the party leaders in Arizona also decided to make a mockery of themselves and the party. To try and bribe people to come to a party event the promise of a county leader dressing in drag was made if 300 people showed up to the event.

The lack of integrity and professionalism in the Libertarian Party these days is troubling at best, frightening at worst. This is not to say that there aren’t professionals in the party and at the national and state and even local levels, there are. The unprofessional crowd though seems to be the loudest and are in high positions within the party. The Libertarian Party’s platform aligns with the liberty movement the most but that doesn’t at all guarantee our support.

We here at Coffee Break Liberty aren’t saying that a mass exodus from the Libertarian Party is needed. What we do suggest and are working towards is a change within the party and the voting out of certain people in leadership positions. We want to replace them with people that actually hold liberty as a primary value. This liberty movement is steam rolling right now. The Libertarian Party seems like the right choice in where to find ourselves but if it turns out not to be we cannot be afraid to leave the party behind as we will not be hamstrung by poor party leadership who are grown adults that act like drunk children. We will leave the Libertarian Party in the dust, this is a promise we will keep. The liberty movement will not falter and we will not fail. The movement didn’t start with a party and we sure as heck won’t see it be killed by one either.

Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to like and share!

Keep that coffee warm for us.


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