Those economic freedom zones might be coming soon.

Sen. Rand Paul’s “Economic Freedom Zones” bill might be getting a vote soon. Essentially the bill will allow areas that are stricken with poverty to have lower tax rates, more tax credits and also fewer restrictions like ones from the EPA or historical type protections. This bill will also get federal money out of the mix thus weakening their power in these areas. This is where progressives have their main issue.

Progressives can’t stand the idea of getting the government out of the way of people and allow them to keep more of the money they earn. This kind of legislation which keeps the federal government further away from the people is a nightmare for those that worship anything the federal government does, no matter the outcome.

This piece of legislation is the kind of work that we as libertarians need to support and get in touch with our representatives and let them know they need to support it as well. Lowering taxes is always a good thing and lowers federal spending makes this bill twice as good now.

Of course the progressives have a bill of their own written up by President Obama which is essentially the same thing BUT the federal gov gets to keep pumping money into the communities. Because money I guess fixes everything now matter how you spend it.

  • Leo Sowers

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