Charity and Liberty Going Hand and Hand
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here.
Just last week many Americans went to the polls and voted across this nation for many local issues. Here in Oro Valley, a suburb of Tucson and where CBL (Coffee Break Liberty) is located, we had a vote on prop 454. We talked about prop 454 in the past and how it was bad for the residents of Oro Valley, that blog post can be found here. In short, prop 454 was going to implement a property tax in order to pay for improvements to a local park. In the end prop 454 was voted down, the way CBL wanted to see it go, thus no property tax.
All good so far, but what is next? As we have talked about before in previous posts, we feel that charity is a large part of the libertarian type utopia we want to live in. Sure we are far off of that utopia but that in no way excuses us from being charitable, if anything the ask is greater upon us now that we must compete with the government as it were when it comes to trying to help society. In Oro Valley there is now an opportunity to demonstrate that charitable giving is a more moral way to pay for things than that of taxation. We can demonstrate that charity works. Plans right now are being put together by the staff at CBL on how to pay for some of the items that prop 454 was going to pay for but through charitable means. For the staff here at CBL voting “no” was never about not wanting kids to have a place to play soccer and baseball but rather against government’s reckless spending and the immoral act of taxation. We are in the very early planning stages of this drive with more details to follow. We hope that this will be a clear demonstration of how communities actually can work together, by voluntary actions and now force. Liberty is a message of love and charitable giving be it with money or time is a great way to show it. We need to be the change we want to see in the world right? Let’s do it!