Hello 2018, A Midterm Election Year!
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.
We have talked about this before here at Coffee Break Liberty, that is the midterm elections coming up this fall! That being said it is now that we urge you to seek out the liberty minded candidates in your area and get behind them. It is now that liberty wins or loses. Waiting until the fall to get behind a candidate is too late as it is during the primary season that most liberty candidates fall by the wayside. We are already in the first week of January and we need to get those feet moving and the support growing for those candidates! Observing the current political climate and the hysteria around the president these days it can be expected that progressives will be out in force this midterm. Knowing this, the fight ahead will be difficult but that has never changed it seems. We are in this for the long haul, for the advancement of liberty.
If you are unsure of where to look for a liberty minded candidate a decent place to start would be a Libertarian Party candidate. If your area doesn’t have one look for the candidate from the other two parties that hold liberty to be a primary value. If you still can’t find that person in your area running for office that is liberty minded, it’s you. We urge you, if it isn’t too late, to run for that political office! This is how we spread the message of liberty, one inch, one candidate and one elected official win at a time. Last year the Libertarian Party won over 15 local elections across the US. That doesn’t even include the other liberty minded candidates that won elections from other parties. We can help spread the message of liberty together.
In closing we here at Coffee Break Liberty are thinking of shinning the spot light on some liberty minded candidates running this year. If you are one of these candidates or would like us to try and get a hold of one for an interview type situation please do pass the information along to us at CoffeeBreakLiberty@gmail.com.
Thank you for reading, please don’t forget to like and share!
Keep that coffee warm for us