Another Government Shutdown and we are so HAPPY!
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.
For several weeks now the federal government has been shutdown and it brings us so much joy here at CBL. What we love most about it is that the American public is again shown how we can still get along without the federal government being involved in our everyday lives the way they are when the gov is “running”… if not without the federal government as a whole. Overall it has been a great thing to see, yet most people sadly have to find issue with it. So they look to trees being chopped down by crappy people at Joshua Tree National park and some how equate that to the entire situation while dozens of other national parks are being cleaned up by volunteers. Paul Krugman will tell people that this is a huge libertarian experiment to try and showcase how the ideology fails. There are several issues with that which we will tackle here. Another point we see a lot, and is supposed to be a guilt trip or whatever, is the fact that federal employees, 800,000 of them, haven’t received a pay check in a few weeks… these same workers that mostly make 6 figures a year.
Right now we will hit on the Krugman comment though. First of all there Paul, one of the many points of being a libertarian is abiding by the NAP (non-aggression principle), you actually have to sign a pledge if you wanna join the national Libertarian Party. We went over the NAP and what it is a while back when Facebook had a large purge and you can read it here. So though back to Paul and his comments and how it conflicts with the NAP. IF we apply the NAP to it’s full extent there would be no force whatsoever dished out by the federal government. That simply isn’t the case of what is going on right now. There are over 2 million federal employees and only 800,000 of em aren’t getting a paycheck, that doesn’t even mean that they aren’t working too. For example the TSA is working without pay. So that right there, the TSA which use force and violates the rights of people is still “functioning”. Additionally taxes are still being taken out of our paychecks. (don’t get us started on that too W2s started arrive the other day around here and some of us are not happy seeing what the government stole from us) So the NAP issue is the first thing that we wanted to hit on Paul!! Secondly, the government is still waging war overseas, spying on us and violating more and more of our rights. Hardly libertarian at all Paul, actually far from it. But even with all that said, all Paul and his buddies have to say is “Oh look the trees in Joshua Tree National Park are being chopped down!!” Sorry to see Californians can’t even respect a national park in their own state… is it any surprise though?
In short the government shutting down in a good thing, the few things that people will point to that are “bad” usually aren’t and if they are actually do have a negative impact it is far outweighed by the positive impact the shutdown is having. Being just the much more free.
Sadly though, one day soon probably, this shutdown will come to an end and the government will be back up and “running” again displaying it’s total uselessness. But until then, let all the Thunderdome matches continue, let those planes just fall outta the sky because the FAA won’t tell em where to go and I’m sure all our food will kill us tomorrow anyways. It’s been fun 😛
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Keep that coffee warm for us.