Iran…Into a new Peace Movement
Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.
It didn’t take all that long now did it? Into the roaring twenties only a handful of days and the US government is trying to start another war in the middle east. Escalating violence and troop levels in Iraq were all the talk for about 24 hours and then BAM, the US government assassinated a high ranking member of the Iranian military while he was on a diplomatic mission in Iraq.
The general that was murdered is named Qassem Soleimani. That means little to nothing though, it’s not like he was front page news to most if anyone at all. A little background on the guy. He was the leader of the Iranian Quds, an elite force for their military. Soleimani was also involved with the central planning of both Hamas and Hezbollah. Additionally there is a lot of intelligence that points to his offices helping to organize the Iranian backed groups in Iraq that have been trying to further destabilize the region, the US military needed some help we guess. That final effort listed cost the lives of many Americans in Iraq, killing hundreds and wounding thousands.
This attack on a nation’s military staff is an act of war. No other way to put it. Had a country assassinated a US general you can rest assured that an invasion of some sort would be taking place. In another post we might go on about how the action was unconstitutional, or that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are as well… but this time we aren’t gonna play that tune.
We have written about this here before and not to long ago at that. We need to be the pro-peace generation. This is our calling, our duty. If we are to be remembered for anything as liberty, peace loving peoples may it be that we were not silent while the government and corporate media beat the drums of war. No, we were there, we were loud and we were vigilant. Our united voices and focus of peace is not something to be squandered. This burden is ours and we must, we will take it. We must not stand by let these acts of war perpetrated by the US government go unchallenged. If those in power won’t stop this now then it is our job to get rid of them when the time comes. And it is coming, this year. Where are the pro peace candidates? Where are the liberty candidates? We need to find them and lift them up!
The lives of 10’s of millions have been gravely impacted over the last two decades in the middle east. This needs to end and it ends with us. Our task isn’t an easy one but it is the right one. Those in favor of war have opponents. We are the opponents. We are the rocks upon which their ships will break. Their glorification of murdering men, women and children overseas in places they can’t find on a map is nothing short of disgusting. It all ends with us, if we want to it.
Those that want this war haven’t even finished the last two major conflicts. We aren’t even talking about the one in Yemen they support that has now starved over 85,000 children in that nation… that was no typo. And for what?! Their darned ego? Some money? Is the blood of even one child worth any of that?! No! Yet they have no issue with the deaths of children. Those in power will also have no issue sending young American men and women over there to murder more people. Those in power will even kidnap the Americans from their homes to do so if the need for more soldiers arises. All while telling everyone how this is all to protect American interests and values. It’s sickening.
We must resist this war. It’s our sacred duty. Let’s get the 20’s off to a great start with a rejuvenated peace movement!
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Keep that coffee warm for us