Protesters are Hungry not Heartless
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With the reopening of America and some states, we have seen the vitriol get to a very high level. With those protesting wanting to be able to return to work and others staying at home upset that others are out not practicing social distancing thus endangering others. Where to even begin though… We have seen some saying that the protesters are just greedy, ignorant, and don’t care about others. Giving credit to these claims is simply untrue for many of those protesters. Sure, are there some that aren’t acting as they should? You bet there are! But really there are now over 20 million Americans without work and several million that don’t know when they are gonna be able to eat next. These people protesting are them, they are hungry and scared. They have no money, no food, and soon might not have a roof over their head. They are protesting an overreaching government that has forced them into situations where there might not be any food to put on the table. These people aren’t greedy, they are hungry and scared. They are scared because their rights are being stripped from them and are additionally being thrust into poverty by government action, nothing else.
Rest assured, those that feel protesters don’t care about others, they most certainly do care about others and their loved ones. Yes, fair you have some that think this is all a big joke or entirely made up but for the most part people wanna be free or at least have the illusion that thereof. These protesters care about their families, their loved ones and they have come to the conclusion, rightfully so we feel, that not having food on the table is worse than the risk of getting sick. The food banks in several areas in the state of Texas are now running out of food. Not just on the days of distribution, but also for the foreseeable future. There are some that predict their stockpiles will be depleted in the next few weeks.
These protests too are to get back to work. We need to keep that in mind. These aren’t intended to just put people at risk for no reason. Yes we all understand that the risk will increase with more people moving about, no one creditable is denying that. We have to understand though that the risk of starvation might be much higher if things are kept shut down. The UN is now worried about over 113 million people facing famine-like conditions this year just due to the shutdowns! There aren’t any models that we have seen thus far that suggest the deaths from COVID19 would be anything like that. We have known for a long time that poverty kills, and now we see the government pushing millions into poverty, millions more than the virus will impact it seems.
There is hope, don’t doubt that. We can always continue to implement safe practices while being able to work. Most protesters get that, they want that, they wanna eat and hope that others will understand that.
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