Good Enough for Liberty?…Prove it

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news, and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.

We all remember the line from Spider-Man right? “With great power comes great responsibility.” Maybe it was said before that time but that’s who I attribute the quote to, uncle Ben. What power are we talking about though? That of liberty. With our liberty comes a great responsibility. Right now though in the current environment, our liberty is under attack by the governments around the world reacting to the COVID19 crisis. Just last week we discussed the protesters, protesting against the lock-downs, and how they are hungry and scared. Those protesters wanna work, they want to be free, they want their liberty back, and in some places they are getting it back. Now it’s time to prove they are good enough for it.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Oh how right he is! That is exactly what many Americans have done these last few weeks, giving up their liberty for safety, and worse yet it’s just the illusion of safety. Justly, and rightly so there have been protests to reopen the states. Some states are opening rather quickly while others are still on lock-down. But here is the thing, it’s truly up to the people how things go from here. This was never about how the government should take care of the people and ensure they don’t get sick. The current environment has proven no matter how many executive orders there are that people will still get sick. What we need now are people using their liberty wisely and safely.

Don’t give those that think people should still stay at home any ammo to use against you. Those people want to be proven right by you getting sick and getting others sick as well. Now is the time to prove you are good enough for the liberty you have. We all understand the risk will be higher with more people moving about and working so it is our responsibility to try and mitigate it as much as we can. You have to prove you are “good enough” for liberty. Take precautions while out, use your head and try not to spread the virus. Just because some states are gonna open everything up right away, maybe don’t go to a crowded bar and hang out with 100 other people there. Maybe you don’t like wearing a face covering, but it might be wiser for you to do so. You can still practice social distancing while being out and about. You can still keep all these curves flat by just applying some common sense. Be better and be free, prove you are good enough for the liberty you have. You deserve it by being human, don’t waste it.

Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to like and share!

Keep that coffee warm for us


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