President Trump’s Budget and Charity
So last week President Trump released his budget proposal, it was deemed a “skinny budget”. The budget makes large cuts to many programs while taking all the funds that are cut and moving them to the department of defense. So in short, it’s not a skinny budget at all and only reduces funding to some government agencies. We don’t see an actual reduction in overall spending so the term skinny shouldn’t even have been applied.
I would like to point out some of the positives, the few, in this budget proposal. The funds being reduced to certain agencies and the like will reduce the size of those agencies and or hurt their abilities to “function properly”. This is a good thing as I see it, if the budget just stopped there I would be more in favor of it, but as was pointed out earlier the savings seen here are being spent elsewhere. Also many of the cuts that are purposed are ones to charity organizations. This is where many have latched onto with their arguments opposing the budget, among other things, this seems to be the highlight in many arguments.
Shortly after the budget was released many noticed that there were grant reductions to the Meals On Wheels programs thus resulting in reduced federal funds through out the year. The total reduction in funds proposed in the budget would amount to around $3 million dollars less in federal funding to the Meals On Wheels program. This reduction in the Meals On Wheels program spending has caused many to point out that the $3 million could and should easily be spared for the program. Then the automatic injections of “well I guess they just like to let old people die!” and the like are on the rise.
Now I for one and of course those of us in the liberty movement don’t want to see old people die and starve to death but what we also don’t want to see is a charity supported by having people empty their pockets by threat of violence from the government. So how do we go about this? The solution is simple, charity. Meals On Wheels is a charity to begin with so let’s stick with that!
Since the budget was released on Thursday, the 16th, donations to the national office for Meals On Wheels have gone up a claimed 500% as well as those seeking to volunteer also seeing a spike of 500% increase. This increase in charity is similar to what we saw with Planned Parenthood recently, it has had huge positive impacts and demonstrates that we are a charitable people and nation. Again though, charity is giving willingly, not being forced to give up one’s assets by threat of violence, like taxes.
So what was all this about Meals On Wheels you might be wondering…. It’s a call on you to be charitable! It’s a call on me, you and all of us to be more charitable! Be the good person you claim to be and give a little bit of money and or a little bit of time back to those that would really benefit from it in the community you live in. This can be a wake up call for many, heck my grandmother volunteered for Meals On Wheels into her 80’s! She could do it and so can you! The following link is to the Meals On Wheels database, enter your zip code and addresses, links and phone numbers to Meals On Wheels programs in your area will pop up.
There is the link, the rest is up to you. Be the charitable person you claim to be! I call on all of you to give a bit more if you are willing. Now I’m just using Meals On Wheels as an example, find a charity you identify with more if you want but the point is to give more and volunteer more, out of love. Complaining about a budget and not doing anything to actually change the world you live in isn’t a very effective argument against the budget at all.
Thank you reading and please don’t forget to like and share!
Keep that coffee warm for us.