United States power moves and United passenger moves
It didn’t take much time after I had wrote about the gas attack in Syria last week that President Trump ordered an attack on a Syrian airbase. So to protect Syrians the US government has decided to bomb Syrians. I get it, what Assad allegedly did (still not buying that the Syrian gov carried out the attack) was horrible and evil but I wonder how this is any of our business and now we see it has created a more strained relationship with Russia. By attacking Syria, Russia’s ally we have now started to poke a bear… again. So what does the Russian government have to say about all this? Something along the lines of “Do it again and see what happens…” paraphrasing of course.
After the US power move on Syria President Trump also decided it was time to make some moves on North Korea, an ally of China. During the Chinese President’s, Xi Jinping, with President Trump they discussed at length North Korea and the situation brewing there. North Korea has been saber rattling and now the United States is doing the same with a slew of naval ships to include an aircraft carrier making their way towards the peninsula. How did North Korea and China respond to this move? Sounding a bit familiar to Russia, “Wait and see what happens….” again paraphrasing.
I don’t want to make it seem like I feel the situation in North Korea and Syria are the same. What I do want to point out though is that we are stretching our military might and those that used to back down aren’t doing it anymore. I believe there are a few reasons for this, one being that many other countries might assume that the American public isn’t in favor of getting into another war. Secondly I feel other nations know that the US military isn’t set up to fight a war nation to nation. Having been fighting the war on terror for the last 16 years the US has changed much of how it military works and functions. Our military is geared at this time to fight a different kind of war which would be detrimental to our ability to fight a war against another nation.
I digress though, North Korea is different than Syria in that the leadership in Korea seems bent on starting nuclear war with nations in the immediate region. This saber rattling by North Korea is one that should be taken seriously and We may be getting closer to a stage where we should take action against the North Korean state. This is a very hard position for me to take as I am pro peace and have seen first hand for years what happens in war torn countries. But what we have in Syria is nothing that effects us but what we see in North Korea is a situation that can very much effect the United States.
Moving right along to the United passenger incident. To summarize, a passenger was asked to leave a United flight over the weekend due to over booking, he refused and was then forcibly removed from the plane. There is video out there that is a HUGE pr fail for United. It is troubling that many are calling on the government to step in and correct this issue. This is a situation the free market is handling pretty well. The stock prices of United have dipped by 4% in only a few days to the value of nearly 1 billion dollars. Other competitors are jumping on the opportunity to point out how friendly their airline is when compared to others. Social media has also exploded with this incident further damaging the reputation of United at this time. I wanna hit this rather quickly so here I go. United has the right to remove a person from their plane for any reason, it is their property after all. The way they did it though was rather foolish. What they should have done is offer more incentives to people so that someone would volunteer to leave rather than having to force a person to leave. There is a way the gov can get involved though. I KNOW I AM ASKING THE GOVERNMENT TO ACT IN THIS MATTER!! The government makes it illegal for foreign airlines to travel domestic routes. This is a protectionist policy to try and help US airlines. If let’s say British Air would like to travel from NYC to DC and they offer a cheaper price or better service, who wins? The costumer wins because it then forces the US airlines to compete with cheaper prices and better service. More competition would be a huge win for the consumer. But rather we have the government again harming the consumer.
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Keep that coffee warm for us.