Voting Your Principles
Hello there again readers, and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where I tackle books, news, and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here I would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.
As everyone not living under a rock knows the US presidential election is right around the corner… and it is the most important of our lifetime… no, “ever”… you know… until the next one. All the hype again about two people completely out of touch with us normal folk trying to provide for ourselves and loved ones. Another popularity contest between two people that have no intention of making the United States freer but rather passing more laws and increasing the deficit more and more. As some of you most certainly know as well, if you say you will vote for someone other than Biden or Trump this time you are told you are wasting your vote, or you don’t care about others or the country, you’re letting your principles get in the way (imagine being the kinda person that says that and I’ve heard and read it) Once again we will be told we are wasting our vote until after the election, then we will be told that it was our fault someone else won.
The message I want you to get today from CBL is, don’t let those naysayers discourage you! Forget them! Vote for whomever you want. More importantly, vote FOR someone, not against someone, vote your principles, have the courage to stand up to the status quo that says you must fall in line and pick the lesser of two evils – – or else.
The issues with the two-party system aren’t solved by continuing to vote for it. The best way, I feel, to combat the two-party system is to vote for a third party. Of course, the main goal is to have a third party win but we all know how hard that is to accomplish. What we do see though is that the conversation changes over time the more and more third-party, and anti-establishment candidates make waves.
As we draw closer and closer to the election “ThE mOsT iMpOrTaNt Of OuR lIfEtImE”, I beg you, don’t fall for the hype. Don’t give in to those that want to silence your voice, those that tell you your vote for a third party doesn’t matter. People that tell you that DON’T MATTER. They care nothing about you and the things you value, in short, you, and your opinion are worthless to them, so why listen to them and do as they say? The people that tell you it’s a wasted vote to vote your principles have none, so don’t follow their lead. Be your own person, the person you were intended to be, and vote based on your principles, don’t vote based on what someone that doesn’t have any principles tells you.
Have the courage to vote FOR someone, not against someone. When you make a vote for someone, especially based on our principles it’s something to be proud of. Take pride in having a voice and expressing it truthfully, not dishonestly.
Thank you for reading, and please don’t forget to like, share, and check out our new store!
Keep that coffee warm for us
P.S. I started this blog four years ago in the run-up to the last presidential election. A lot has changed here for the better and worse and well this year has been the biggest yet! Will be taking a multi-week break as I’m treating myself to a multi-week motorcycle tour of the western states. If you would like to follow along the best place will be on my Instagram account.