Back to Normal
Hello there again readers, and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where I tackle books, news, and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here I would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.
All signs are pointing to Biden being the next president. Trust me when I say that CBL isn’t a fan of this, that said not a big fan of the Trump presidency either. What I have seen a lot lately is people telling me and others how they didn’t want Biden but they wanted to return to normal. What a nice thought, returning to normal. Was the Trump presidency chaotic, heck yeah it was. Will the Biden presidency seem more stable, for lack of a better word, yes it will. But normal and stable have a price, and that price has been paid in blood so the next time someone suggests the US is just getting back to normal perhaps they should be reminded of what that means.
In the case of foreign policy that means more wars overseas. Trump was the last president in a long time that didn’t start a new conflict overseas, that said he came in with 7 already going and leaving it seems with 7 still going and troop numbers are increasing in certain areas around the world. Keeping that in mind though there was never a huge invasion or large troop number increase. All the troop number increases were pretty small considering. The normal the US is about to return though suggests there will be large troop number increases and possibly an increase in conflicts overseas in general. The “normal” so many seem dying to get back to costs the lives of millions overseas and they should not be forgotten. For example, US policy in the middle east has caused the starvation of over 600,000 children in that region in the last 30 years. That just the children mind you. But thankfully normal is about to return right?
What else has normal been? Well, I would be glad to tell you. Normal has seen the federal debt doubling every 4 years. Normal has seen the poor and minority communities lacking the mobility to raise themselves outta the situations they are in. Normal is wrecking minority households in exchange for a government check. Normal has been more regulation harming the middle and lower classes most. Normal has seen the cost of health care and education rise due to government regulations. Normal has been the federal government stealing 30% of our paychecks. Normal has been the NSA spying on EVERY American in the house and stealing their data. But yes so glad the US is returning to normal.
These people that just voted for Biden to “return to normal” are the most apathetic of them all while they tell everyone how enlightened they are. It is very troubling to see. How someone can be ok with that being normal and then want to see more of it is beyond me. I presume they are all sick in the head.
These are the same people that also think the government should be telling us all how to live our lives. They presume that we are not smart enough to make choices for ourselves and need the government to do it for us. All I can presume is they are not wise enough themselves to make responsible choices so they presume no one else is…. Ok rant done. The bottom line in this post, going back to “normal” is total BS and should be called out every time someone tries to use that line as if they are about to just win an argument.
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