Liberty in Tejas

Hello there again readers and welcome back to Coffee Break Liberty, a blog where we tackle books, news and many other things under the sun where liberty is a guiding principle. If this is your first time here we would like to extend a special warm welcome to you and hope you enjoy yourself while here.

As mentioned in earlier posts I have been traveling and have spent the last two weeks here in Texas. So with this development I wanted to have a bit of a Texas themed blog post. No not rodeos and cowboys, gonna keep it to the normal liberty based posts but with a focus on issues in Texas. So to keep with the lingo here, hope all y’all enjoy the blog post this week

We will start by looking at a bill introduced in the recent session of the Texas state legislature. The house bill 2338 titled, “The Texas Sovereignty Act” is a bill that NEEDS to be adopted by every state. So what is this bill, HB2338? This bill would allow the state legislature along with the governors signature to determine that a federal law is unconstitutional and making that law unenforceable in the state of Texas. This is one of those pieces of legislation actually designed to take power from the federal government and give it to the state, where it belongs. Now this is something that states should be doing already, not enforcing unconstitutional laws that is. A state shouldn’t need an extra piece of legislation to perform something that is already within their power as states. Truthfully one of the reasons states were created was for this reason, to not have to enforce laws that were deemed unconstitutional. That in no way means that we are against this bill but rather are very supportive of it and hope that it passes. At last update the bill did not make it to the floor by the time the session ended but will be able to move to the floor during the next session. It has already passed committee with a 5-2 vote. If you live in Texas you are encouraged to contact your representative and tell them to support this bill. More about this bill can be found here.

Another liberty related issue in Texas is the gold and silver depository that the state is currently working on putting into affect. For the last couple years Texas has been putting into the works a system that will bring all of the state’s gold back to the state itself, it is currently in New York, and will eventually allow Texas residents to make purchases with gold and silver. In June another step forward was taken in this direction, the state legislation has now decided what company will run this outfit. The desire to bring this to the reader’s attention though was not because of the small step taken in June towards liberty but rather how this entire idea is a leap towards liberty. It is through measures like this that the federal reserve will lose it’s monopoly on money in the United States. Through actions like the one Texas is taking the market place will determine the value of money used thus giving greater consuming power to the people. No longer will the price of borrowing be determined and manipulated by an organization that has no business doing just that, the federal reserve. These steps taken by Texas will allow the price to borrow money to be determined by those that actually lend it. This also brings Texas more in line with the nations constitution which in Article 1 section 10 states, “No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” Now at this time Texas only allows federal reserve notes to be used in the payments of debts so the state still needs to make work on that front. Other states have plans already in motion to end the federal reserves monopoly on money and we see here the plan in Texas already starting.

Well that is gonna wrap it up for this week. Hope all y’all enjoyed yourselves with this little taste of Texas and liberty.

Thank you reading and please don’t forget to like and share!

Keep that coffee warm for us.


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